What is verb English Grammar Types of Verb

 Busy Sky Team

What is a Verb ?

Verb – The word which show action or state of being [exist]

Example- Speak , Go , Learn , Accept , Walk , Read , Teach , Play , Read , Understand

  Types of Verb

. Helping Verb

. Main Verb

.Types of helping Verb ?

.Auxiliary Verb – Do

-      Be, is , am , are , was , where

-      Have , has , had ,

-    Model  Verb  - Can , may , should , Could , would 

Types of Main Verb  Main Verb

(i)  Transitive

(ii) Intransitive

(i) Transitive Verb – A transitive Verb is an action verb or a stative  verb that has an object . It acts upon something or somebody . A transitive verb indicates an action that can be acted upon an object . note that it is a types of the main verb.

Example  :-

. I will call Jacob in some time.

. Most people are learning English in our class.

(ii)  Intransitive Verb – An intransitive verb is an action verb that can’t be acted upon an object: a person or a thing . it does not have an object.

Example :-

. Jon was sleeping in his couch.

 What is finite verb ?

Finite verb – A finite verb shows  agreement with a subject and is marked for tense.

Finite from of the verb love :

-    I love parades.

-    She loved parades.

-   Pop loved parades.



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