What is Adjective English Grammar Types of Grammar


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.What is Adjective?

Adjective are word that describe the qualities or state of being of noun enormous, doglike, silly, yellow, fun, fast. They can also describe the quantity of noun many few millions, eleven

 Types of Adjective?

 Possessive Adjective

 Demonstrative Adjective

 Coordinative Adjective

 Number Adjective

 Interrogative Adjective

 Indefinite Adjective

 Attributive Adjective

1.     Possessive Adjective – As the name indicate Possessive Adjective

Are used to indicate Possession. They are – may, your, his, her, its, our

Possessive Adjective also function as possessive pronoun

2.     Demonstrative Adjective – Like the article the, Demonstrative Adjective

Te specific people, Animal, or thing These, Those, This and that are Demonstrative Adjective

 Example – These books Belong

. This Movies is my favourite

3.     Coordinative Adjective -   Coordinative Adjective are separated with commas the word and , and appear one after another to modify the some noun

 Example – The Adjective in the pharse bright sunny clay and long and clerk light are Coordinative Adjective

4.     Number Adjective – When They Are used in sentence, numbers are almost always Adjective

. The stagecoach was pulled by a Team of six


5.     Interrogative Adjective – There are three Interrogative Adjective

Which, What, and  Whose . like all author types of Adjective, Interrogative Adjective modify Noun

6.    Indefinite Adjective – likes the article a and an, Indefinite Adjective are used to discuss non Specific things.

. Do we have any  peanut butter

 Attributive Adjective - Attributive Adjective talk about specific traits, quality, or feature- in other, word, they are used to discuss attributes

. There are different kind





















