What is Pronoun English grammar types of Pronoun

 Busy Sky Team

.  What is Pronoun?

A pronoun is used the place of a noun its substitutes the noun in a paragraph  or piece of writing  to avoid repetition of the noun . Pronoun can be used in singular and plural forms

Pronoun are generally classified into three main kids.

Person              Singular pronoun      Plural pronoun

First person         I, Me                     We, us

Second person    you, your              you

Third person      He she, it him her ,They them Their

. Types of pronoun with example

. Relative pronoun

. Reflexive pronoun

. Object pronoun

. Personal pronoun/subject pronoun

. Reciprocal pronoun

. Possessive pronoun

. Demonstrative pronoun

. interrogative pronoun

. indefinite pronoun

. intensive pronoun

. Relative pronoun – are pronoun that are used to relate one part of the sentence to another. Some example of relative pronoun are that , which ,where, when, what, whom, and whose.

. Possessive pronoun – are pronoun that are used to show possession. Some example of  Possessive pronoun are mine , yours , his, hers, theirs and its

. Reflexive pronoun – are pronoun that are used to refer back to the subject in the sentence . some example of  Reflexive pronoun are myself, yourself, himself, oneself, itself ,ourselves ,themselves

Demonstrative pronoun –   are  pronoun that are  used to point to specific object. Some example of Demonstrative pronoun are this, that, these and those

. interrogative pronoun – are pronoun that are used to ask question. Some example of interrogative pronoun are who, what , when , why and where

. indefinite pronoun – are pronoun that do not refer to any particular person, place or thing. Some example of indefinite pronoun are somebody, someone, somewhere, something, anyone, anybody

. Personal pronoun – are simple pronoun that are used to substitute proper names. Some example of . Personal pronoun are I, you, he, she, we, they, him, her

.subject pronoun – are pronoun that perform the action a sentence. Some example of subject pronoun are I, we, you, we, he, she

. object pronoun – are pronoun that receive the action in a sentence. Some example of  object pronoun are me, us, him, her and them.

. Reciprocal pronoun – are pronoun that are used to express a mutual relation. Some example of Reciprocal pronoun are each other and one another.

. intensive pronoun  - are the same as reflexive pronoun , With the only difference being that you can remove the . intensive pronoun from the sentence, and the sentence would still make sense
























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